The advanced enterprise system consists of many diverse interfaces to meet the needs of different types of users. They are extremely helpful in extracting data from various data sources. The loosely attached parts of the system have been unified into an effortlessly supportable and individually installable service. The microservices architecture has helped offer common points to get the different systems collectively. Heroku is such a service that proves to be a beautiful room to execute apps and other microservices along with Salesforce via various integration system through the Adaptid salesforce lightning platform.
What is Heroku?
Heroku is the fastest channel for any type of organization to adapt its service and convert it to an app company. This service aids companies in emphasis on building and installing apps that can instantly yield profits. The main focus of Heroku is on apps and developer skills around the apps while assisting companies to gain the value of apps. It simplifies the process of organizing, installing, customizing, scaling, and administering apps. This proves to be a great boon for developers to concentrate on building efficient apps that meet the target customer necessities. This will be a significant leap in the efforts to please and hold on to the customers.
Reasons for Integrating Salesforce and Heroku:
Integration over Data Replication:
- This is for copying the data between Salesforce and other systems. Data synchronization can be employed for storing the data to empower cross DB reporting and research. It is also possible to sync them with old systems that either pull data from Salesforce or provide data to the Salesforce. When Heroku is integrated with Salesforce, it allows a high-intensity data flow, interfaces for customer side apps developed with open-source technologies.
- For example, you could be a seller of wearable cartoon face masks for kids. You are using Salesforce for recording the item data, like inventory, process, bills, and invoices using a usable website. The website will employ the fed data to show the stocks and offer orders to the public. If you employ Heroku to run the website, it will copy the item info to its data storage that will ensure to take care of a considerable number of requests with lower inactive periods. If a user leaves a review on any item, then this data could be copied to show the reports back to Salesforce on your marketing strategies.
Integration over Data Proxies:
- Data proxies combine various datastores, but data is not copied like the replication phenomenon and only read when required. This tactic allows business intelligence and reporting, analysis, and console tools to organize data to gather data through different channels. They will not have to be concerned about data management issues related to storing. The external systems and old systems could be assimilated together via data proxies. This will help in giving data to salesforce or salesforce that can feed that data to other systems.
- If you are using Salesforce and need to present an inventory analysis report, it needs a comparison between Salesforce and warehouse data from an external system. Data proxies will yield that information without employing old, sluggish strategies. Salesforce will extract the required data from the external network when this report is run without the necessity of storing the data. This same process works well on the contrary direction. The Heroku works as a data proxy to Salesforce to the external system giving protection and altered layer.
Integration via tailored user interfaces:
- Visualforce and lightning components can be used to create a tailored user interface for Salesforce systems easily. But when interfaces are developed on many open-source technologies, it is ideal for making them run on Heroku. This can be unified into the Salesforce UI or data easily. Lacking Heroku will need external systems to give a User interface that requires to be evened on the Salesforce UI.
- For instance, if you make use of Salesforce for CRM, take over another company with an open-source system. The best approach of unifying those systems is smoothly running the open-source system on Heroku and render it on Salesforce. This process of running the open-source system on Heroku will ease the load on ops and also regulate on integration planning for the tailored systems. Individual user interfaces that run on Heroku and assimilate with Salesforce data can offer back-office help to Salesforce and even as customer side mobile and web applications. Tailored User interfaces may consist of features and developer pieces of knowledge that stimulate the idea of using Heroku and open source technologies together than other options.
Integration over External Methods:
- External processes can relive batch methods or workflows and activate event management to apps on Heroku. This approach will be helpful, relying on the type of work that requires to be completed and the total effort involved. Relieving external systems to Heroku may be due to data science, machine learning, and a combination of external systems with Salesforce.
- For instance, you have a product then requires to be sold online. You will upload high definition photos and videos of the product on the website. As these images or videos are enormous, you will have to downsize them to decrease load times and storage charges. This process can be quickly done by and external system with Heroku. Every time an image or video is put on Salesforce, it is driven to an app on Heroku, processed, and the downgraded image is saved back to Salesforce. This app on Heroku that takes care of the downgrading process could be accountable only for that part of the system without any dependency.
Adaptid is a full-service Salesforce consulting company that is fully equipped to deal with start-ups to enterprise-level companies. We offer comprehensive solutions to get used to Salesforce systems sooner and effective manner by aiding in employing Heroku to enhance your Salesforce data where you require. From working with large data sets to externally facing applications, we can design and build a solution that meets your business requirements.